Thank you for your interest in donating to the Lord’s work here at Bethany.
We appreciate your support and make every effort to be good stewards of that which you have entrusted to us.
We accept donations by e-transfers by setting up a contact with your online banking and sending the funds to If you are donating for the first time, or don’t know if you are in our database, please send a separate email {} that provides your contact information so we can send you a tax receipt in February.
Pre Authorized Giving
Regular donations can be made by completing a Pre-Authorized Giving Form. The form requires basic personal and banking information for Bethany Chapel to be able to process and withdraw the funds from the donor’s account. Changes can be made any time by contacting the church office.
Cheques should be made out to Bethany Chapel of Calgary. They can be mailed to us, dropped off at the office, or deposited in the Offering Boxes on the way into the sanctuary.
When we meet in-person, there are opportunities for you to donate cash by including it in an envelope and dropping it in the Offering Boxes located on the way into the sanctuary. We will also accept cash at the office during regular business hours.
Online: Planning Center
Planning Center Giving is an online giving option that allows you to set up one-time or recurring donations using your credit card or debit card. One tax receipt will be issued at the end of the year from Bethany Chapel. To access the secure link click HERE. For more detailed instructions click HERE. Bethany is charged a small percentage of each donation.
Gift of Investments
This method works well when the donor’s investments have appreciated in value. When gifting investments, the donor receives an income tax slip for the fair market value of the investment at the time it was transferred. The capital gain incurred by the donor on the gift is exempt from taxes. To get the preferential treatment, the investment must be transferred directly to Bethany’s investment account. Please contact Bethany’s Treasurer for more information.
estate gift
This method allows the donor to make a long-term commitment without affecting their current standard of living. It can also be used as a tax strategy to decrease taxes for an estate. To use this option, the donor needs to have their lawyer update their will to include Bethany Chapel of Calgary as a beneficiary to the will.
gifts of life insurance
This method allows the donor to leave a significant legacy for a small after-tax cost. To use this option, the beneficiaries of the life insurance policy will need to be changed to Bethany Chapel of Calgary.
Make an impact

Please note
If you received donation envelopes this year, please be sure to include your number on them as they were not numbered. Thank you.
Please note that spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the organization. Should you choose to restrict a contribution for use in a particular program or project, we will honour that restriction, with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.
We’re certified
Check out the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities website for details. Or download this document (PDF).