Pray. Risk. Repeat.
At Home & Abroad
In response to the command of Christ to “Go into all the world…”, Bethany Chapel has always been keenly interested in mission work, at home and abroad.
Though Bethany Chapel recognizes that missions work begins at home and seeks to encourage each Christian to be involved, it also seeks to encourage vision and action that sends its members to the four corners of the world as part of fulfilling Jesus Christ’s Great Commission mandate.
Short Term Missions Experience
Short-term mission experiences are an important part of the ministry of Bethany Chapel. From time-to-time, we sponsor short term mission experiences to different locations to bless both the participants and recipients of ministry.
These experiences promote spiritual growth, provide education about missions in general, and provide opportunities for Christian service and potentially challenge participants to consider God’s calling on their life. The experiences also provide a unique and lasting opportunity to build and experience community among those that participate.
Missions Committee
It is the purpose of the Missions Committee, under the leadership of the Elders, to encourage obedience to this command in the daily life of the congregation. The Missions Committee is responsible for making known various opportunities of service, for evaluating those who express an interest, and for assessing how Bethany Chapel can continue to support those actively serving in missions. The Committee is accountable to inform the congregation of the work being done so that we may all give praise to God for His work.
Feel free to contact the Missions Committee members:
Kirstyn Mackie
Bruce Raddatz
Tom Ramsay
Lyle Simpson (Chair)
Chelsea Thiessen
mission workers
- Jorge & Gail Atiencia – Ecuador
- Vanessa Kordupel – Calgary
- Amy – Middle East
- Mick & Caroline Brown – Canada
- Janet Haight – Saskatoon
For more on Bethany’s Missions ministry, please contact Lyle.
Global Impact
Kingdom Friendship
Bethany has a multi-year partnership with Wycliffe Thailand through what we call Kingdom Friendships. Please continue to pray for the Kingdom Friendships team and well as those who serve together in Thailand.
What is Kingdom Friendship
Kingdom Friendships is an initiative that creates partnerships between Canadian churches and Wycliffe projects worldwide. In our case, this is a relationship between Bethany Chapel and Wycliffe Thai Foundation, an organization that is involved in scripture use, Bible translation, literacy, and mobilizing the local church as well as missionaries from the local and surrounding areas.
Bethany’s involvement in this will enable Wycliffe Thai to extend their reach into these project areas by providing them additional resources, prayer, support and sharing of ideas. Kingdom Friendships, once executed, provides the framework for short-term missions to have long-term impact and measurable results.
Please contact Lyle Simpson if you have any questions about Kingdom Friendships – surfnslopes@yahoo.com or (403) 701-9090.

Short Term Trips
Short Term Missions trip Completed
We have sent a number of teams to Thailand from 2016 to 2024, with the latest team being our Senior High students.
Write to Wycliffe Thailand
Wycliffe Thai Foundation
15/23 Phetburin, Chiangmai-Hangdong Rd.,
T.Mae Hea, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50100
Tel/Fax: (66-53) 838020
Mobile Phone: 089-700-8874
Email: info@wycliffethailand.org
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