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Equipping you for your faith journey

Can I Trust My Bible Series
If you are questioning whether or not the Bible is true, this series will walk you through why Christians believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Click on the titles below to be directed to the YouTube video.
Is the Bible Credible as a History Book?
RightNow Media

20,000 Videos – Instantly stream biblical teaching to your home, Sunday school, Youth groups, Connecting Groups, men’s groups or women’s groups. Resources from leading Christian publishers and ministries.
RightNow Media Registration
If you attend Bethany and you would like to register for RightNow Media, please click on the link.
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Get Involved
We now have a circulation of 80 to 100 items per month. We regularly update our collections, and examine our ministry for improvement. You are welcome to join us to be part of the team.
If you have questions or inquiries regarding the Library at Bethany Chapel please talk to our librarians or contact us at
Our library is open on Sundays from 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM and 12:00 – 12:30 PM.
Who can use the Library?
Any Bethany Chapel family member or regular attendee is welcome to use our library services. No membership or user fee is required.
Bethany Chapel Documents
Click the button to download the PDF.