Youth Ministry

We are passionate about teenagers encountering God, making friends, growing together, and making a difference.

There is a place for teenagers at Bethany

We are a group of young people who want to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and apprentice under Jesus. Our gatherings are centered on the story of God, building community, and encountering the Spirit.

Meeting Times

Jr. High meets on Fridays at Bethany from 6:30 – 9:15 pm
Sr. High meets on Sundays at Bethany from 6:30 – 9:15 pm

Regular youth will begin on Jan 24 (Jr High) and Jan 26 (Sr High).

Find us on Instagram @bethanychapelyouth


This fall/winter we’re working through a series in the Gospel of Mark where we’ll learn of the loved, hated, esteemed, dismissed, and often misunderstood first-century Rabbi, Jesus the Messiah.

youth leaders needed!

Are you passionate about making a difference in young people’s lives and desire to inspire growth? Then we need youth leaders like YOU!

Ready to build into our youth’s lives? Then click here to set up a chat with Will, our Youth Pastor.

developing the next-generation leaders